Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The internal and the external structure Cosmetic Gynaecology And How Exactly Is It Beneficial

The term aesthetic gynaecology, in the present-day scenario is an umbrella term that can range from the cosmetic enhancement of the appearance of the vaginal region to the tightening of the labia for sexual enhancement. Based on the requirement, there are different types of procedures that deal with different problems (concerning the aesthetics of the vaginal region and sexual satisfaction), such as Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty. This article shall deal with these procedures in details.

Why exactly a woman may need these therapies?

The internal and the external structure of the vaginal region of a woman may not remain the same over time. Apart from that, child-birth is a major event that can bring vast changes to the structure of the vagina. This can, in turn, cause the vagina to change in appearance and its natural response to stimulus. This is precisely why a Aesthetic Gynaecology in Philippine woman needs to undergo a cosmetic gynaecological procedure. With the help of the same one can improve the physical appearance of the vagina or can enhance the function of the vagina and labia. Both goals can be accomplished simultaneously-improved functioning of the vagina to enhance enjoyment of sexual activities and rejuvenation of the genitals to achieve aesthetically pleasing goals.


This is a popular therapy. The goal of this procedure is to reduce the width of the vagina. The tissues of the vagina are designed to naturally stretch during child birth. However, overtime, it can lose its elasticity. Permanent stretching is an unfavourable condition as it can reduce vaginal stimulus and in the process can affect a woman’s desire for sex or enjoyment during sexual intercourse. In a vaginoplasty, the perineal muscles are tightened or the rear vaginal wall is repaired, which reduces the overall width of the vagina and this, in the process, leads to the tightening of the tissues in the vagina.


It is a cosmetic gynaecological procedure that concerns itself with the size and shape of the labia. It is natural for the labia to differ from one woman to another. It is equally natural for asymmetries to occur. Many women tend to have (naturally), excess of skin on both the sides. The excess of skin may cause discomfort while wearing skinny garments or during sexual intercourse. Hence, a woman may undergo the procedure to either reduce the size by reducing skin from each side or can achieve symmetry by reducing skin from one side. Basically, this procedure can provide aesthetics by bringing symmetry and can also bring comfort and efficiency in the funct6ioning of the vagina (especially during sexual

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