Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Usage Of Robotics In Gynecology

One of the latest innovations when it comes to minimally invasive surgical procedures is gynecologic robotic surgery. In the procedure, a narrow, lighted scope coupled with miniature instruments controlled using a robotic system, are used by gynecological surgeons to treat various conditions that generally affect a woman’s reproductive organs.

Surgeons make one long incision to access the area to be treated when it comes to traditional open surgery, while in laparoscopic surgery surgeons hold and make modifications in instruments and scope by making few small incisions. Robotic surgery is quite similar to laparoscopy. However, the main difference lies in how surgeons control the surgical tools.

Medical conditions treated using gynecologic robotic surgery

Experienced robotic surgeons in Philippines treat conditions using gynecologic robotic surgery such as:

Pelvic and abdominal pain
  • Fibroids in the uterus
  • Endometriosis
  • Treatment using gynecologic robotic surgery

A robotic surgical system involves the following components:
  • A console using which a surgeon controls the instruments and the scope using hand controls and views the images given by the scope on a screen
  • A robotic cart with arms which can bear the instruments
  • A camera providing 3D views of the surgical site
  • Wristed instruments that emulate a robotic surgeon in Philippines’s hand movements into precise micro-movements while performing surgery
  • Benefits of gynecologic robotic surgery

As compared to open and laparoscopic surgeries, robotic surgery provides several benefits such as:
  • Minimal blood loss and less requirement for blood transfusions
  • Post-operative pain is reduced
  • Scarring is less
  • Hospital stay is reduced

Those seeking expert advice in Philippines when it comes to robotics in gynaecology, can go to Dr Jennifer Jose for treatment.

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