Monday, August 3, 2020

What Is Aesthetic or Cosmetic Gynaecology And How Exactly Is It Beneficial

The term aesthetic gynaecology, in the present-day scenario is an umbrella term that can range from the cosmetic enhancement of the appearance of the vaginal region to the tightening of the labia for sexual enhancement. Based on the requirement, there are different types of procedures that deal with different problems (concerning the aesthetics of the vaginal region and sexual satisfaction), such as Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty. This article shall deal with these procedures in details.

Why exactly a woman may need these therapies?

The internal and the external structure of the vaginal region of a woman may not remain the same over time. Apart from that, child-birth is a major event that can bring vast changes to the structure of the vagina. This can, in turn, cause the vagina to change in appearance and its natural response to stimulus. This is precisely why a Aesthetic Gynaecology in Philippine woman needs to undergo a cosmetic gynaecological procedure. With the help of the same one can improve the physical appearance of the vagina or can enhance the function of the vagina and labia. Both goals can be accomplished simultaneously-improved functioning of the vagina to enhance enjoyment of sexual activities and rejuvenation of the genitals to achieve aesthetically pleasing goals.


This is a popular therapy. The goal of this procedure is to reduce the width of the vagina. The tissues of the vagina are designed to naturally stretch during child birth. However, overtime, it can lose its elasticity. Permanent stretching is an unfavourable condition as it can reduce vaginal stimulus and in the process can affect a woman’s desire for sex or enjoyment during sexual intercourse. In a vaginoplasty, the perineal muscles are tightened or the rear vaginal wall is repaired, which reduces the overall width of the vagina and this, in the process, leads to the tightening of the tissues in the vagina.


It is a cosmetic gynaecological procedure that concerns itself with the size and shape of the labia. It is natural for the labia to differ from one woman to another. It is equally natural for asymmetries to occur. Many women tend to have (naturally), excess of skin on both the sides. The excess of skin may cause discomfort while wearing skinny garments or during sexual intercourse. Hence, a woman may undergo the procedure to either reduce the size by reducing skin from each side or can achieve symmetry by reducing skin from one side. Basically, this procedure can provide aesthetics by bringing symmetry and can also bring comfort and efficiency in the funct6ioning of the vagina (especially during sexual intercourse).

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Experts Opinion of The Robotic Surgeries

The work robotic itself runs bells in our ears and heads. The moment we hear this word, we feel undergoing such thing will bring a magical transformation to our lives. Over the past few decades, we have observed surgical robots entering the surgical arenas and operations theatres. There are many surgeries, invasive and non-invasive both, conducted successfully by the robots. We know that by taking help from the machines, Robotic Surgery Philippines we add accuracy to our work. The robots assisted surgeries allow the surgeon to perform critical surgeries with minimal invasion, accurately and precisely. With the help of these robotic assistants, the surgeries that were earlier impossible are not happening quite commonly. The medicals as well as patients are getting befitted from innovative surgeries all around the globe.

Before you undertake any robotic surgery in Philippines, we would suggest that you know and understand what the medical experts have to say here.

From the excerpts of the medical experts. There is no doubt that the robotic surgeries have surpassed the conventional methods of surgeries. Whether the surgeons are experienced or they are newbies, robotic assistance is proved the best for everyone. The robotic assisted surgeries call for small incisions as compared to those long laparoscopic surgeries. Honestly, this technique minimizes the discomfort during the procedure. Moreover, the recovery time is reduced a lot.

Patients love undergoing such kind of a surgery because the procedures are minimally invasive and they can recover fast to go back to their normal routine again. The blood loss is minimal and when dealing with acute cases like people with high diabetes, high obesity, patients already have undergone abdominal surgeries in the past, these procedures is the perfect option.

Robotic surgeries have opened new doors for the surgical fraternity. This is the just the beginning and there is much more to arrive in the future. Robotic surgeries have been acclaimed globally and most of the hospitals have adapted to such surgeries due to the benefits offered. It is true that these kinds of surgeries cost a bit more as compared to those traditional ones, but the money paid is truly worth it.
As the medical experts gave their word on the benefits of these robotic procedures, there are investment experts who have their own take. After reading their opinion, we came up with the following.

Robots have redefined the way operations theaters were used and utilized. The surgeons and health care professionals can exercise better control. However, along with the benefiting patient fraternity, there is yet another industry taking the benefits of robotic surgeries and that is the medical device companies. As they provide the required equipment to the hospitals, they play a great role here too.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The internal and the external structure Cosmetic Gynaecology And How Exactly Is It Beneficial

The term aesthetic gynaecology, in the present-day scenario is an umbrella term that can range from the cosmetic enhancement of the appearance of the vaginal region to the tightening of the labia for sexual enhancement. Based on the requirement, there are different types of procedures that deal with different problems (concerning the aesthetics of the vaginal region and sexual satisfaction), such as Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty. This article shall deal with these procedures in details.

Why exactly a woman may need these therapies?

The internal and the external structure of the vaginal region of a woman may not remain the same over time. Apart from that, child-birth is a major event that can bring vast changes to the structure of the vagina. This can, in turn, cause the vagina to change in appearance and its natural response to stimulus. This is precisely why a Aesthetic Gynaecology in Philippine woman needs to undergo a cosmetic gynaecological procedure. With the help of the same one can improve the physical appearance of the vagina or can enhance the function of the vagina and labia. Both goals can be accomplished simultaneously-improved functioning of the vagina to enhance enjoyment of sexual activities and rejuvenation of the genitals to achieve aesthetically pleasing goals.


This is a popular therapy. The goal of this procedure is to reduce the width of the vagina. The tissues of the vagina are designed to naturally stretch during child birth. However, overtime, it can lose its elasticity. Permanent stretching is an unfavourable condition as it can reduce vaginal stimulus and in the process can affect a woman’s desire for sex or enjoyment during sexual intercourse. In a vaginoplasty, the perineal muscles are tightened or the rear vaginal wall is repaired, which reduces the overall width of the vagina and this, in the process, leads to the tightening of the tissues in the vagina.


It is a cosmetic gynaecological procedure that concerns itself with the size and shape of the labia. It is natural for the labia to differ from one woman to another. It is equally natural for asymmetries to occur. Many women tend to have (naturally), excess of skin on both the sides. The excess of skin may cause discomfort while wearing skinny garments or during sexual intercourse. Hence, a woman may undergo the procedure to either reduce the size by reducing skin from each side or can achieve symmetry by reducing skin from one side. Basically, this procedure can provide aesthetics by bringing symmetry and can also bring comfort and efficiency in the funct6ioning of the vagina (especially during sexual

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Usage Of Robotics In Gynecology

One of the latest innovations when it comes to minimally invasive surgical procedures is gynecologic robotic surgery. In the procedure, a narrow, lighted scope coupled with miniature instruments controlled using a robotic system, are used by gynecological surgeons to treat various conditions that generally affect a woman’s reproductive organs.

Surgeons make one long incision to access the area to be treated when it comes to traditional open surgery, while in laparoscopic surgery surgeons hold and make modifications in instruments and scope by making few small incisions. Robotic surgery is quite similar to laparoscopy. However, the main difference lies in how surgeons control the surgical tools.

Medical conditions treated using gynecologic robotic surgery

Experienced robotic surgeons in Philippines treat conditions using gynecologic robotic surgery such as:

Pelvic and abdominal pain
  • Fibroids in the uterus
  • Endometriosis
  • Treatment using gynecologic robotic surgery

A robotic surgical system involves the following components:
  • A console using which a surgeon controls the instruments and the scope using hand controls and views the images given by the scope on a screen
  • A robotic cart with arms which can bear the instruments
  • A camera providing 3D views of the surgical site
  • Wristed instruments that emulate a robotic surgeon in Philippines’s hand movements into precise micro-movements while performing surgery
  • Benefits of gynecologic robotic surgery

As compared to open and laparoscopic surgeries, robotic surgery provides several benefits such as:
  • Minimal blood loss and less requirement for blood transfusions
  • Post-operative pain is reduced
  • Scarring is less
  • Hospital stay is reduced

Those seeking expert advice in Philippines when it comes to robotics in gynaecology, can go to Dr Jennifer Jose for treatment.

Friday, February 14, 2020

The Benefits of Robotic Surgery

Whether we talk about gynecologic robotic surgeon or any other specialist for a robotic surgery, it is important that we know what it is about and how it is going to benefit us. Given the long recover period of traditional laparoscopic surgeries, these robotic surgeries have been accepted by all. These robotic surgeries have made a lot of things possible in medical science. From prostate operations to gynecological seizures, the robotic techniques have made it simple and fine.

Why we call robotic surgery superior is because the doctor gets the support who is present at the table. This is a revolutionary kind of surgery that allows extreme precision to the doctors. Further, the doctors can enjoy more control over the micro instruments used and go for a wider range of motion. One more benefit of robotic surgery is the 3D visualization suitable for optimum viewing of the site being operated. 

Most of the surgeons appreciate robotic surgery for the kind of tremor filtration that it offers. When a robot is present to help the surgeon, the surgeon has a good access and better manipulation of nerves, tissues and organs. This provides better results and of course a successful outcome. 

Robotic surgery offers plenty of benefits for the doctor but it has immense benefits for the patients as well. Along with the early recovery period, the pain and discomfort is less. The incisions made are smaller.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Why Must You Consider Going For Regular Gynecological Check Ups

Gynecological checkups are necessarily important for every woman. If you are a woman you need to consider the same in a routinely fashion. a gynecological check-up can help you identify many issues and problems. It can help you detect issues that can be life threatening. Early detection means, easy cure and resolute and successful results. Also, with age, a woman can also consider going for aesthetic gynecology.

Why? Well, aesthetic gynecology has a direct impact on the sexual health and life of an individual. There are many ways in which aesthetic gynaecology can help an individual. If you are looking for Aesthetic Gynecology Specialists, consider Dr Jennifer. 
  • Regular gynacological examinations involves other assessments as well such as physical evaluation, lifestyle counsel ling, screening tests, immunizations, etc. the procedure also involves the monitoring of vital signs of the human body such as blood pressure and heart rate. These evaluations help in the detection of many other health conditions. Also, one has a basic idea about the physical condition of one oneself. Women who have had their menopause can gain insights into their reproductive health and can also deal with issues such as vaginal dryness, or pain during intercourse. 

It can also lead to early detection of complications such as colon cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes. 

  • This is also a good way to conduct a test to determine the breast health of women to ensure early detection of breast cancer, if any, which can play a vital role in saving the life of the individual. An individual can also conduct discussions on regular mammograms during these assessments. The gynecologist will very likely provide insights on how to perform a monthly self-breast exam. One has to put special focus on the various risk factors and of course family medical history. All these factors combined, the regular check-ups are extremely beneficial for women and can prove to be vital to their health.