Monday, December 19, 2022

What Is Aesthetic Gynecology Surgery and Its Benefits?

 The function or physical appearance of the labia and vagina are also improved through gynecology surgery. Additionally, it might enhance sexual behaviors. The genitalia on the body are also made to look much younger and more attractive by gynecology surgery at the same time. Events like pregnancy and childbirth have altered the vagina's look for a long time. Additionally, it alters how it reacts to the input. Aesthetic Gynecology surgery can assist in restoring all of this. Women should have this surgery to boost their happiness and sense of self.

Who requires Aesthetic Gynecology surgery?

A lady who is unhappy with the appearance of her vaginal area is a good candidate for surgery. This is for people who don't like the way their vagina feels or functions If you are aware of the procedures' hazards, you might be a good candidate. Additionally, if you are in good condition and have realistic expectations going into this treatment. If you wish to have the surgery done but have a few health concerns, you should talk to your gynecologist beforehand.

High blood pressure, diabetes, depression, bleeding disorders, and heart disease are a few of the health problems. Additionally, you should be aware that you are a good candidate for this surgery even if your body weight is excessive and you have a smoking or alcohol addiction. Before contemplating this treatment, you must maintain total abstinence from any addictions.

Options for treatment that you can use

There are two different categories of treatment available:

• Non-surgical method

• Surgical technique


You must first emotionally and physically prepare yourself for the gynecological operation. Here are some recommendations to help you be more prepared for this treatment:

• You need to be the right weight for your height.

• Neither diabetes nor heart disease must be present in you. Tell your doctor everything about your health in order to receive the right advice.

• For the specified time period, adhere strictly to your doctor's recommendations regarding Addiction.

• You shouldn't be using antidepressants. Be mindful of your mental health.

Procedures available in gynecology surgery

There are five of the main categories of gynecology surgery. Before choosing one, you must be well-informed about the various gynecological procedures.


The vagina can be made tighter using this surgery. Additionally, it aids in reviving the vagina for sexual fulfillment.


A Monsplasty is a surgery used to lessen mons bulge. The pubic region, or the bikini bridge, is helped to tighten, lift, and shape up. This is due to the fact that it stands out when wearing various kinds of clothing.


Women who want to reconstruct or repair their hymen can choose for hymenoplasty as a cosmetic procedure. This method helps to create a complete hymen that could be damaged while riding a horse or cycling.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

What Are The Different Types Of Vaginal Pessaries Performed?

 There are several reasons why an individual suffers from uterine prolapse. A weak uterus muscle could lead to your uterus losing its ability to hold support. A situation like such is usually seen in the case of pelvic surgery or childbirth. A prolapse like such is usually fixed with the help of surgery, but in cases otherwise, a vaginal pessary is a device of potential help. This is one of the most approached devices to help with uterine prolapse. Robotic Gynecologic Surgery can help you support your muscles with the device.

What are the Application of different pessaries?

For all females suffering from stress incontinence, vaginal pessaries can help you tackle so many problems. Most of these devices are made from silicone that is well known to suit your body. It is a non-absorbent material, and it comes in several shapes and sizes. Which are:


This is a u-shaped pessary which is one of the most advanced versions of its type. It is usually molded and used to sit perfectly inside its user.


This kind of pessary is generally used for the most advanced stage of vaginal prolapse. It works by using suction to support the affected areas.


This comes in the form of small knobs that helps to tackle severe prolapse. They are usually placed in the middle of the vagina where it can support the same.

Jennifer Marie B. José, MD, is an effective center for Robotic Gynecologic Surgery and aesthetic gynecology. They have a variety of treatments and diagnostics with effective results. Contact their official websites for detailed information.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

When Do You Have To Visit A Urogynaecologist?

A women’s body goes through a number of changes throughout her life, and different stages of her life. Some of the factors which contribute to these changes are as follows- menstrual cycle, pregnancy, fluctuations in weight, aging and even gravity. All these factors collectively work to bring about noticeable and notable changes in the body of a woman throughout her life. Even menopause can have visible physical effects. Among the many changes that one may experience due to these events in one’s life, pelvic floor should be one of the concerns, especially as one ages. So what exactly is the pelvic floor? For common understanding, you can imagine it to be the sling in the lower part of your body which holds the reproductive organs, the bladder, bowel and other muscles and ligaments in position. The pelvic floor is basically muscles and ligaments only. With time, these muscles and ligaments in the pelvic floor become weak (because of the various factors we already discussed). It is in this context that a urogynaecologist becomes important. In this article we are going to talk about some of the facets of seeing a urogynaecologist from time to time. For Urogynaecology In Philippines, consider Dr Jennifer Rose.

Typically, women should see a urogynaecologist when she experiences some kind of problems or issues with her pelvic floor. Any kind of issue or problem in the pelvic floor will lead to some kind of symptom(s). These symptoms are going to be irksome. You have to see a urogynaecologist at this point. While typically the symptoms guide an individual to see a Urogynaecoloigst, it is advised that regular check are extremely important because it helps in early detection of these issues and concerns, especially after a certain age.

A very common issue which concerns urogynaecology is the urinary incontinence- which is a basically the constant urge to go to the bathroom for release. This is caused by a lowering bladder. Women can also experience difficulty or irregularity in bowel movements which can be a result of shift of the bowel owing to weakened pelvic floor. There are some cases wherein the woman may feel a seemingly inexplicable pressure on the vagina. Sometimes, even a discomfort around the rectal area- such as a bulge. In these situations, discomfort is experienced. And if left untreated or not paid enough heed, one can experience prolong pain and discomfort, which may even be aggravated over time. If there is emergency, there can be bleeding as well. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, the best course of action will be to visit the nearest urogynaecologist from your location.

Monday, February 21, 2022

The Need of Aesthetic Gynaecology

There are a variety of reasons to think about Aesthetic Gynaecology. Large or bulging labia (lips) can make it difficult for some women to wear tight-fitting clothing, such as swimsuits or leotards, or even exercise without causing irritation. Because the vagina has relaxed with time, intercourse for some women may be painful or unsatisfactory.

One such is Labiaplasty surgery which is used to remove excess tissue from the enlarged labia minora (inner vaginal lips) in order to relieve physical and emotional discomfort.

Surprisingly, the answer is no. Given women's growing awareness of aesthetic medicine and aesthetic gynaecology alternatives, it's perplexing that the number of women seeking preventative screening exams, such as for cervical or breast cancer, is declining. 

Females who are sexually active should be counselled on birth control and the need of avoiding infections such as herpes, HIV, gonorrhoea, syphilis, and unwanted pregnancies. You can usually return to work in 5 days, but it will take 2-4 weeks to get back to your active lifestyle and fitness, and it will take 6-8 weeks for the scars to be strong enough to resume sexual intercourse. 

To determine which strategy is best for you, talk to your Aesthetic Gynaecology doctor about the benefits and drawbacks of each and which is most appropriate for your situation.

To both test for cancer and educate women about the importance of screening, we must use the most up-to-date technologies. It is important that people are made aware of aesthetic surgeries that can benefit everyone, especially women in various ways.